KCC Library System – Watkins Memorial Library
KCC’s Watkins Memorial Library is located on the main floor of the Admin Building. The purpose of the academic library is to offer necessary research materials for students and faculty to support the curriculum of KCC and to provide a variety of materials for recreational reading. The library is equipped with computers to be used by the students and faculty, and Wi-Fi networks are available in all academic buildings and residence halls.
Library Hours
Daily hours: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Monday – Friday
Evening hours: Selected times available upon request
Library Resources
Watkins Memorial Library offers an extensive collection of religious titles as well as materials covering a variety of topics including history, science, math, literature, music, and psychology. Nonprint materials are comprised of DVDs, videos, and CDs.
The following noncirculating CD libraries may be used within the library: Jeremiah Lifeworks, Thomas Nelson Bible Study, Quick Verse, Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Lucado Lifeworks, Logos Scholars’, McArthur Lifeworks, PC Bible Study, and Spanish Learning Suite. The library has Internet availability on patron computers, and there is a printer/copier available for use.
Additionally, the following open resources are available for use:
arXiv e-Print Archive
BC Campus Open Ed
Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
Bloomsbury Collection
Book Boon
Chest of Books
Duke Divinity School
Google Scholar
Gordon C Olson Library
Harvard Divinity School
Humboldt OER Library
JSTOR Open Access
Khan Academy
Library of Congress
Milne Open Textbooks
OER Africa
OER Commons
Open Library
Open Stax
Open Textbook Library
Princeton Theological Commons
Project Gutenberg
Science Open
Social Science Research Network
TED Talks
The New York Public Library
Third Mill
YWAM Tyler Library
Research Tools
Library personnel are the most invaluable tools available to students and are able to help with research methods and other questions. The library’s OPAC Catalog is available online, and library users may check their library accounts to see when their items are due and may search for needed resources.
Outside users may access the catalog through the following link: State Library of Kansas
External Library Access
KCC students have a number of databases that can be used for research purposes through the Kansas State Library.
Go to the following website to begin researching, and note that you must select Explore Our Resources under the Our Services heading on the home page: State Library of Kansas
Library Agreements
Reciprocal borrowing has been established between the Mabee Library of MidAmerica Nazarene University (MNU) and KCC’s Watkins Memorial Library. KCC students may use the reference department and computers at the Mabee Library and can borrow books and materials. KCC extends this same courtesy to the students of MNU. The reference department of the Nazarene Theological Library may also be used by KCC students.