“It is an institution maintained by faith and prayer, standing for the Fundamental truths of the inspired Word of God. Its purpose is two-fold:

  1. to train for service young people who love the Lord, and
  2. to lead into the blessed experiences of salvation and sanctification others who do not know Him.”— 1940-1941 College Bulletin

Co-laborers for Holiness

From our early beginnings, our founders understood the importance of providing a place of higher education learning that had a focus both on discipleship and evangelism. And that focus continues today with the students who come to us from a variety of backgrounds. It is the same focus that I am sure you have in your local church. We truly consider ourselves co-laborers with you in God’s Kingdom and it is our desire to partner with you in any way that we can to fulfill this mis-sion.

KCC Sunday’s Importance

Since Kansas Christian College is a private, non-profit school, we do not receive any government grants or support. We depend on the generous gifts from individuals and local churches like yours. Your church’s partnership and financial support for KCC Sunday (September 26th) helps to sustain the mission and vision of the Kansas Christian College.

What to do this September 26th

As is our tradition in September, we reach out to you and your congregation and ask you to partner with Kansas Christian College and it’s mission and vision by doing three things:

  1. Share — Please tell your congregation about the school and it’s mission to create world-changer’s for God’s Kingdom!
  2. Invite — Please invite the congregation who are looking into attending higher education to checkout our website to get more information: Kansaschristian.edu
  3. Give — Please take a special offering for the school.

Downloadable materials

If you and congregation want to participate with this year’s KCC Sunday, please use these free resources to use in promoting and informing about KCC.

Online Giving Option

To contribute online go to https://kansaschristian.edu/giving/.