Student Development
KCC Mission Statement
KCC exists to develop servant-leaders who know God, who have a passion for holiness of heart, and who are inspired and prepared for a lifetime of learning and Kingdom service.
Student Life Is Christian in Character
The development of students who live a life pleasing to God that brings glory to Him is one of the main objectives of KCC as a Christian institution. Therefore, our goal is to aid men and women in keeping God and His principles at the forefront of all of their endeavors.
As God’s treasured children, our desire is to avoid any hindrance that would keep us from living the effective and abundant life in the Spirit that Jesus gave His life to provide. It is then necessary that all members of the campus community manifest Christian motives and principles, practice integrity in every aspect of daily life, and conduct themselves as mature and responsible individuals.
Student Life Is Developmental in Nature
A primary goal at KCC is to develop individuals—to aid students as they mature spiritually and socially. The development of godly character and of a life of consistency in every area is essential. Reconciliation with God and with others is a common goal. As Christians, we realize that we live in a broken, upside-down world. At times it is necessary for us to exhibit understanding and respond in ways that will bring restoration, thus encouraging hurting students to discover God’s best for their lives.
For this reason, the faculty and staff work to facilitate a developmental atmosphere in which the KCC students are experiencing consistent spiritual development—as well as social and academic development—through all facets of the KCC experience.
Traditional Undergraduate Student Development
Students who come to KCC for a traditional undergraduate education understand that by becoming a member of the KCC campus community, they are committing to the ideals of compassion and consideration. These will be manifested by respect for the dignity, rights, and property of others, and by the avoidance of insensitive, inhospitable, or unjust behavior. Students can then feel welcome and safe in the appropriate pursuit of their goals as they grow in their relationship with God.
Student Life Activities
Kansas Christian College believes that student life activities are an important part of a student’s education. Some of these activities provide students with opportunities to put their skills and learning into practice. Other activities are for enjoyment and relaxation and give students the opportunity to fellowship with classmates. It is intended that all of these activities be Christ-honoring and have a part in developing the spiritual lives of our students. The following are some of the activities that are provided outside of the classroom.
1. Residence Hall Living
All single college students under the age of 21 at the beginning of the semester, which are not living with immediate relatives, must reside in the residence hall. Students living in the residence hall must maintain at least nine credit hours per semester. All student residents must submit and sign a Residence Hall Application.
Students meeting the following criteria may not reside in the residence hall. (Exceptions may be requested, but not guaranteed, through the Dean of Students.)
• Students who are under 14.5 years of age
• Students maintaining fewer than nine credit hours per semester
• Children
• Students no longer attending classes
2. Sunday Worship
Because we are training men and women to serve in the church at home and abroad, we strongly urge our students to regularly attend and participate in a local congregation. There are several local Churches of God (Holiness), all of which provide regular and special services. All students are encouraged to attend one of these. However, we do recognize that students come to KCC from various denominations and may wish to continue their affiliations with them. Sunday is a special day on which Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Therefore, students should become a regular, active part of a local congregation, and refrain from unnecessary work, buying, selling, and other activities that would detract from making this a holy and worshipful day.
3. Chapel
Chapel is a vital part of community life at Kansas Christian College. It is one of the college’s opportunities to join together for worship, instruction, and encouragement to serve. KCC is committed to being both a community of learning and a community of faith. Chapel services are designed to provide an opportunity to contribute to the integration of faith, learning, and living.
Chapel Frequency
College chapel meets once each week during which time the campus chaplain and special guest speakers (evangelists, pastors, and missionaries) minister to college students. The college also meets weekly in small groups where students have the opportunity to dive deeper into their faith and connect with KCC staff and faculty.
Chapel Conduct
Students are expected to manifest reverence to God during the chapel service. This includes being quiet and worshipful during prayer and being respectful and attentive during other parts of the service. Students are urged to bring a Bible and note-taking materials to every chapel service. When there is an altar service, students will remain in the chapel unless otherwise directed by the person in charge of chapel for that day.
Chapel Attendance Policy
Because the chapel experience is an important part of the spiritual formation that is received here at KCC, chapel attendance is taken very seriously. When students are not in chapel they miss an opportunity to grow spiritually.
All on-campus students are required to attend chapel. Off-campus students taking 12 hours or more of daytime (8:30-2:30) classes, or who have a class the period before or period after chapel are required to attend chapel. Up to six chapels may be missed for any reason each semester.
Chapel attendance is taken by the dean of students or a designated representative. Students missing more than six chapels in a single semester will meet with the dean of students and may result in disciplinary action. Further absences may necessitate meeting with the Student Development Committee and may result in exemption from positions of honor, probation, or losing the opportunity to continue as a student at KCC. The dean of students and Student Development Committee reserve the right to make exceptions to the chapel attendance policy when special circumstances occur.
Petitioning for Release from Chapel Attendance
1. To petition release from chapel attendance, students must meet with the dean of students within the first week of classes each semester, submit copies of their current class schedules, and explain the need for release.
2. Students who have chapel schedule conflicts due to work schedules or class schedules from another school may petition by meeting with the dean of students and submitting copies of all related schedules.
3. If a schedule change is made mid-semester that necessitates a release from chapel attendance, students must petition for release by meeting with the dean of students and submitting all related schedules as soon as possible.
4. Athletics
Athletics can be a phenomenal training ground for godly character and development while also providing outlets for physical fitness and social interaction. More information can be found on our KCC Athletics page.
5. Campus Organizations
Students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular and co-curricular activities. Students who participate in extracurricular activities should maintain a 2.0 GPA or above. Clubs or other organizations, including musical groups, may be established only by permission from the administration. A number of organizations on campus provide opportunities for involvement.
The Student Council represents student body interests and, under the direction of a sponsor appointed by the president of the school, gives leadership and assistance in the planning of student activities. Council officers are elected each spring by the student body for the following school year. At the beginning of each school year, a representative from each class is elected to the council.
Student body class organizations—freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior—meet as often as necessary for the purpose of planning class events and fund-raising activities. Class officers are elected annually at the beginning of the school year.
Teachers’ Organization, and the Missionary Fellowship—hold monthly meetings and plan various activities. These organizations are for the purpose of professional growth in the student’s respective area of study.